Is Collaboration Easy … or Hard?
It’s kind of a tricky balance, isn’t it, to be respectful and polite to our colleagues … and at the same time, wrestle vigorously with their ideas. This quote, however,…
It’s kind of a tricky balance, isn’t it, to be respectful and polite to our colleagues … and at the same time, wrestle vigorously with their ideas. This quote, however,…
Men will probably see more of the humor in this, but I've shopped with my girls enough that I understand the sentiment. In return, here’s one I think the ladies…
Concepts about paranoia abound. Ask any of us ... Andy Grove, Jim Collins, Muhtar Kent ... or me. By any name, change is healthy, but it means you’ll have to…
Another welcome Friday is here … with “Carmaggedon” expected in San Francisco with the Giants facing the L.A. Dodgers in the first round of the MLB playoffs while Fleet Week…
Another week in the books as we turn the corner toward the 4th quarter of another tumultuous year. A little more inviting than last week's "ice cube salad" ... vegan,…